Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rain or ....

Right: While we were in the temple to celebrate 'King Boedha' day, outsite de thunder started roaring and the skies opned in a most fascinating way, for at least me, because it was a first for me!

(I did not check the text on spelling or typing errors so pleaseI hope they are not that irritatting)

To start with, if I could have made a picture of what I witnessed earlier this week outdoors when the sky opened and didn't really close for days to come (except half a day after the first big thunderstorm and downpoor of water)..... but sadly I didn't dare to bring out my iPhone too afraid it would go down under in the waters around me.... with hinsight a real pitty but O well, maybe another chance will develop one day ;-)

So, this period of rainfall, which started last tuesday and lasted till yesterday (sunday)morning, started while Kik, Somcha, Sandyi and me where attending the celebration of King Boedha day in temple here in Patong.
While the skies broke and dumped their water, the ceremony in the temple went on undisturbed, though the people needed to crawl a bit away from all the open windows... but after the religious ceremony was over, lots of people saw their shoes floating in front of the temple stairs were they were left by them... and , we had a good laugh, Somchai's slippers drifted the furthest and so he had to go to them to get them, getting soaked wet in the process.
For those who arte used to such rainfalls, it was irritating, for the very few guys who experienced this first time it was major fun.

Kik ggot hold of our mootorbike and when I got on on the back we slowly drove off... and after turning the corner of the street the temple lies on WOWWW, we had to go trough water that came up pretty far and we had to be aware that the motorbike would not shut down because of it..... because that would mean a pretty long walk home and another huge repairbill... sssso at one moment I asked Kik to just go and drive on the walkway next to the street, which was quite higher then the street itself.... he did, but, hah, son also the walkways went down under....

I allways thought that the main streets here had an afwull lot of sewer/drainagepoints, but on this day I saw water pooring into them aaaand still it was not enough aand the waterlevel rized further. After we managed to keep the bike running and slowly got to higher grounds we could continue to our house... haha
BUT arriving down of our little hill on top of which our house is positioned we had to drive the bike uphill trough a fastrunning streetriver comming down towards us. Another fun bit of the way back home for me and an annoying excersise for Kik folowed...but then again, we were both soaked wet sso what did it matter anymore?

We arrived home allright aaaaaaand it took a while to take in these new experiences....
more then half a day later a period of roughly 2/3 days of nonstop rain started, not that much rain comming down in such short time but quite a lot at times nonetheless and when after these days we left the house, at least I then did, I could see how loads of sand had been deposited from the hil on the street, how loads of small stones had bene left behind while the sand had washed away further down our hill...........
these next days we have to be extra cartefull now because (wet) sand is like ice and one slipes away very easily and when on a mootorbike that can hurt pretty badly.

In the end: It was an experience!! Though we suffered powercuts, phonelines and as such internetconnections went down, etc.
And, in the middle of this downpoor we on the hill had to order 'drinking'water to be delivered because our watersupply is/was down......

now a new period of sunshine seems to have arrived.... O and all the time the temps were most pleasing and evenings comfi 'cool' .....

Such a rainperiod can be cozy if you look to the upside of it ergo I enjoyed it ;-)

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