Friday, October 12, 2007


Sofar I haven't figured out how to get pictures on this weblog, so till I manage to learn to do just that, you have to do it without seeing my face. Till then it will only be my words for all to see. And wel, words, as an expression of what crosses my mind, what I experience and am busy with...ergo my so called 'adventures' is all I can give right now but are also the most important to give. Its like being blind and you can still see as well, or vica versa. making sense?

Kick Off

Welcome, this is my first entry on my first and sofar only weblog.
This weblog will be in dutch and/or english...whatever the writer, probably mostly me, fancies most at the time of writing.

Slowly during time, the readers will be able to follow my exploits here in Delft and elsewhere on this tiny planet.
Also the posts on this weblog can be about politics, cooking, travelling, gay other words allmost about everything.
And ofcourse positive comments are allways welcome!