Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pictures on picasaweb from now on!!!!!

For a long time I had problems showing pictures made during my last trip to Thailand. I hope I now solved this problem in a good way by using, also from google, like this Blog, athe picasawebsite for publishing my pictures.
Sofar I allready placed a large part of my Thai pictures online, and more will follow because their are many and its a lot of work.
I hope my visitors wil enjoy them, because I know lots of you simply like to see pictures belonging to the stories told in my blog. Now you can. For the site, look to your right and you see the info in my profile information below, also a new addition, my picture ;-)
Slowly all the pics will end up on this site for al to see, so please: let me know what you think of them!

O, I only give general info with the pics, I name no names of others shown in them, only the occasions.

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