Monday, March 24, 2008

A cold Easter with even some snowfall, the day before leaving for Thailand again!

24th of March, am waking up at my Delft home in The Netherlands, suffering from a heavy cold and not feeling very well these days because of that, while also having to prepare for my departure to Thailand the next day.
I took this picture today while making my last walk with my dog Didi before she is leaving with her temporary host for the duration of my absence. Didi is crazy about snow and really enjoys walking in it, as I normally do I have to admit. BUT not today! I am shiffering, my nose keeps running like it has to finish in a new world record marathon.
The remainder of the day I walk around like a zombie, hardly anything I get done .... which is bad because tomorrow I will leave for Bangkok and I try allmost everything to get rid of the cold. Now, allmost midnight here in Holland, I slowly seem to have beaten the worst of the cold and start feeling better again......
The administration I wanted to finish this Eastern Weekend but because of feeling really lousy I failed in doing, is now on a pile. I am going to take the whole damn lot with me on the plane and will try to do as much of it during my first days in Thailand, while still in Bangkok! Hopefully all is done when I leave for Patong Phuket on friday to finally meet up with my Kik again.

My suitcase is partly filled with clothes but also with some goodies and souvenirs for some of our friends in Patong Phuket. I can only hope they like it!
Am looking forward to see Kik again, much to talk because a lot has happened since I left Thailand end of January. Not between us, but with his familly. I want to put Kik's mind at rest about all that, if I can. If I still need to! Originally I was booked on the flight to Bangkok on the 6th of april but after receiving all these gloomy messsages and calls about what happened I promissed him to try to fly down as early as I could in the circumstances and so thats tomorrow. All very short notice but well, he's my futur husband and I don't want to create the impression that I am only there for the good times, also the bad times we need to be able to share if we can. To support eachother in difficult times if possible!

Well, have to admit , its now also turning out into a blessing in disguise. The weather is so cold for seems since I returned from Thailand end of January I have more difficulty dealing with our weather system. The warm, and at times hot Thai weather seems so much easier and more agreeable. Will discover the truth in all that soon enough. From around 0-4 degrees during daytime and -4/5 nighttime I'll now go to an area which has temps between 28 nighttime and 30/35 daytime.

This evening I also had my last meeting with the Jubilee committee for DWH 40 years, which we hope to celebrate 3d weekend of October. On sunday, in 2 weeks time we'll hold a meeting via Skype: me in Patong, they behind their desks/computers here in Holland. They all sounded pretty jealous when I told them about the temperatures, specially Sergio, he's from Surinam and he loves warm weather and is not at all that pleased with the present weather here. He goes back to Surinam second half of August.... just the period when we have mostly very attractive and warm weather here........ well, Kik wil be hopefully here in Holland again, this time for allmost 3 months, till the end of October. BUT thats all still plans of which I can only pray and hope they all will become true. My 50th birthday celebration and marriage to Kik as the highlight of this comming autumn and hopefully a very good start of a life together with Kik.

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