Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Odd hours or regular hours, thats the question ;-)

Left: The photographer didn't dare to get more near the pool, because too many were being trown in.... and it was such a nice early morning ;-)
When one mingles with people from the entertainment industry here, like the ladyboys, dancers and performers of Kiks work, one slowly get used, or should I say conditioned, to living odd hours most of the time.
Whats odd then you would like to know? O well, getting up at 2/3 pm, if not later, going to bed at 3/4 am, but easily enough also just at 6/7 am....... now that in itself is not that abnormal, and sure not for these guys, but sometimes one manages to get to bed around 1/2 am, but then around4/5 am one wakes up again to discover that a small pool party is building around our little private pool.
So, there's allways some life around the house, except then maybe between around 9/10 am and2/3 pm.... thats I believe the most quite time in our house, exceptions taken ofcourse!
For Didi its not bad, during daytime she likes to wander around the house or further, meeting all kinds of other (friendly?) dogs, but often she moves into the sun and shortly after out again and keep repeating that for quite some time.

Strangly, we sofar haven't had any poolparty yet with food, meaning a real BBQ... in our former little house in the hill we had those regular... but then at that time we didn't own our own bar. And we do organise all kinds of stuff there.

Well anyway, I do not know if I can recommend the life of the entertainment world as it is lived here, but its not a bad life as well........ not bad but definitly not easy as well and sometimes really though. The required stamina is amazing at times. The bosses are sometimes regular slave drivers. Well, I hope I am not one of them, but I also hope I do not pamper my boys as well, because thats also not good.

For me one big disadvante is connected to these weird/strange hours: when I wake up and the sun is allready shining, I can forget it, I am in 99% of the case unable to go back to sleep again.... ergo, this 50 year old, unable to go to bed before 2/3 am for sure, and is happy when he manages to hit the sack around 4/5... regular runs the risk of waking up again around 7... and then allways wondering how I'll get to that day again......
today is such a day... so wish me luck!

Oeps, by the way... I realy do need to find some kind of ritm, so at least I get more and well needed sleep, but I will also then be more able to learn Thai and simply do more.
I also vowed to try to get Kik to understand the value of planning, time control, self discipline, etc.... and do not laugh...... whetever one thinks, I am very capable of telling/teaching how to do just that.... often a teacher is not as good in his own subject as he's able to teach it.... though over the years I dare say that I made some real improvements, to which I desperatly try to hold on to, but which seems rather difficult here in Thailand with the current excisting lifestyle.
Well, so we also find a challenge in this area... and everyone who knows me, do know that I do like a good challenge ;-)

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