Sunday, January 25, 2009

Where were you on Obama's inauguration?

< right: one off Simons bosses, mr Oei, or Neet with in the back the big screen which had Mr Obama on it...though sadly the flash of the camera made the image of him fade away... but he was on it!!! LOL)

Thats a question I am sometimes curious about. People like to ask me: where were you on Obama's inauguration? And then they expect me to say: IN front of the TV in my house, or hotelroom..... because most farang (= non thai) where!! And that in itself is not so special because 12 midday Washington DC is midnight here in Thailand and 6 pm in Holland.
Well, I was not in front of the TV, at least not planning to, though I dearly wanted to hear his speech.... but then realising that CNN would undoubtedly broadcast enough repititions of it during the rest of the(ir) day .... Instead we, Kik and I, celebrated at a Thai BBQ restaurant the birthday of Mr. Rang by the way (the Thai pronounce the R as an L, so I am caled here Lob in stead of Rob, haha) who is one of the star performers at Simon Cabaret. And it was a big happy fun affair with plenty of food.
At these BBQ places one can eat as much as one can for 119 bath, which is roughly 2,50 euro's...and for that one can eat beef, chicken, pork, shrimps, clams, sausages, friend rice, noodles, eggs, the whole works actually.. and then they also have deserts ;-)
The ideal place for some people I know, haha
BUT when we arrived there, because to my dissapointment we had to be there at.... midnight!, so I was unable to watch the actual inauguration and here the speech life......, the big screen outdoors of the BBQ hall had the broadcasting on it of the Inauguration. So while we enjoyed the BBQ party, at least I could enjoy a view on the ceremony as it took place in Washington, though without sound, we could also celebrate properly mr Rangs birthday!

By the way, this celebration went so out of hand that a rehersal of Simons, scheduled for the next day at 3 PM had to be cancelled because too many staff suffered from all kinds of problems, like nausea, headachs, and all those little ailments one sometimes get when one parties & drink too much, haha .....
and yours truly? Well, as a god boy I went home relative early, while Kik stayed behind to continue party with his friends and collegues, watched the remainder of the inauguration broadcast from washington and had a peacefull sleep.

So, where was I on Obama's inauguration: at Mr Rangs birthday BBQ Party around the corner of the house Kik and I now live in ;-)

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