Tuesday, October 7, 2008

50!! Een halve eeuw, 5 decennia......MMMMM Wowww

Half a century, 5 decades have past since I saw first light at my mothers side.
A lot has happened since then, nothing special I like to think, except maybe one memorable situation which makes it stand out more in comparison to most other people. though even of that I am not sure!!
But for me, and most people I tell my story to, I get the feeling its somewhat exceptional though. BUT I am not going to bother you with that story right now.
Only thing I disclose here is that it feels wonderfull to be playing in overtime for 12 years now and with some luck this overtime might last allmost as long as the actual playingtime, if not more :-)) OK lets not sell the bears skin before the poor animal has been shot, a dutch saying says.
I only know that I not only have to thank my mother today for being here, also my docter Ineke van de Ende of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, who coordinated and directed the saving of my life, now 12 years ago.... though of what she told me at the time, she had no clue what had happened that made me walk out of the hospital, instead of leaving flat in a box! At the time I was the exception on the rule and she was so proud of that finally happening to her that she danced at my bedside the night before my discharge!
And I can tell you, I never expected that the overtime I so unexpectedly got and still enjoy, could be so nice and wonderfull.
A life regained is a life one should not waste, and I can only hope and pray that I am not doing any such thing!

Now I am on the brink of doing something exceptional again, well, at least for me that is.... by not only getting married to Kik tomorrow, but also to try to build a life in Thailand together with him from the day after tomorrow............ with all my limitations I hope my life with Kik will be blessed with good health, luck and fortune for the two of us and a long and happy life together in blessed harmony!

Monday, October 6, 2008

House for sale... for how long??

Just a short entry: My house is for sale now for a while, and the bankingcrisis is really starting to hit all parts of society, also it now starts to hit the housingmarket. Mortgage is harder to get, and they expect, as they announced today, that the prises of the houses will start to drop sometime early next year.
Well, happy to say, I might be in negotiations with a truely interested prospective buyer who also happens to have his finances in order and as such is actualy capable of buying the place if we agree on the terms. He and his wive loves my place and he is also a historybuff, like me. So he appreciates a house with a history!

Lets wait and see if it actually comes to a succesfull agreement and the frontdoor of Oude Delft 147, the smallest canalhouse of Delft, will get a new owner for the end of the year!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The smallest canalhouse of Delft and how 'strange' eyes can force you to....

One can enjoy owning the smallest canalhouse in Delft, and connected with it the most phographed frontdoor of my city, it doesn't say one can stuff it with a lot of stuff.
What kind of stuff....wow, lets say from bills, taxreturns, political and other archives, photographes, a langaugecourse, and more paperwork concerning politics, gaymovement, Kik, etc etc etc...not to mention papermemories from my mother and father, etc etc etc
When one is moving house, one just pack it all and simply move it to your next home, BUT when one , in a way, moves abroad next to also moving to a much smaller place in once own country, one has to make a slection.
Now, I have trouble selecting what should stay, what should go, what I should have at my futur Thai home, and what I should keep in my futur new Dutch home... knowing that space is limited, knowing that when shipping stuff one should try to limit oneself to only true necessary things. Haha... thats very very hard for me, because its all mine. Would be easy when it would be your stuff I guarantee you, at leats for me that is ;-)
Knowing I am really bad at this part of that particular necessary excersise, I asked a dear friend of mine who used to work as secretary at Rijswijks cityhall, to come and help me. And Ellen was so sweet to agree to do just that!
And today she went at it.... and wow, did she go for it...now I type this little entry looking around happy to see that so much clutter (as they call it I believe in english, I just remember) has gone. And we, well Ellen way more then myself, only did the first floor, 2,70 by 4 meters, haha.... and the two garbagebags allready outdoors now enjoy another2/3 for company, while waiting to be collected. All in all the total of stuff trown away now totals at this moment14 big garbagebags plus 2 movingboxes... and I know more will follow.
And the lousy thing of it all is that one doesn't notice directly when one walks into my house, haha.... well, I know I'll notice when the movers get here , thats for sure!!
Friday Ellen wil come again in the morning to help me to attack the attick-room of same small house and also 2,70 by 4 meters..... curious how she will push me there to select and trow stuff out, or what I should keep!
Strange eyes work wonders in that respect!!